Ladybug fly autorun only starts after the first instance is finished

Hi, @MingboPeng, I installed the TT Toolbox, and it seems the iterator component looks different from what was shown in your image above.
Image 9

May I ask if this is due to the update of the TT Toolbox?


sorry, just found out that by right-clicking the component and choose RemoteFly, the component will be shown as is in your image.

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here is an example file for advanced settings :,0


Thank you very much, @MingboPeng. Will take a look of the example file.

Dear @MingboPeng, for the GH file attached here, once I run the iterator (set RemoteFly to True, or click Fly), only the last case is processed.

Also, sometimes the iterator just kept running the last case for multiple times and I had to intervene to stop the process.

Can you kindly take a look and advise which part i did wrong in terms of using the iterator to drive the simulation for multiple cases?

Thank you. (647.6 KB)

It seems it works fine when you removed “dumpHBObjects”, I need to look into this component for more details, but why do you need this? all you need to save is IDF files from “runEnergySimulation” if you want to check the results later. (644.8 KB)

Thanks, @MingboPeng.

I’ll remove the dumpHBObjects component for the time being as suggested.

Yes, the IDF file contains everything. However, the IDF importer component in HB currently has limitations, and @chris as recommended using the load/dump HBObjects components:
IDF importer component does not correctly identify the air walls

Theoretically, if I do want to dump the HBObjects for all the cases, I can use the iterator to drive it solely and separately so as not to interfere with the simulation workflow. What do you think?

Dear @MingboPeng,

Unfortunately, after I remove the dumpHBObjects component, the workflow runs by skipping the first case.

I’m not sure if it is an issue related to the iterator component itself or this workflow in particular.

Appreciate if you can kindly help to take a look and advise.


workflow automation issue (641.1 KB)

There is a problem with IntersectMass when running the first one.

Move IntersectMass to the upstream will fix this problem if you really want to use this “IntersectMass”

Usually I will bake or internalize the geometry after using “IntersectMass”, and then do whatever you want without including the “IntersectMass” in the workflow.


Thanks, @MingboPeng.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to replicate the error related to the intersectMass component.

If this is the cause of the issue here, maybe this component shall be put outside the automated workflow as you suggested. A downside is that this part of process cannot be automated which may took quite a long time depending on number of zones and zone geometries, especially for batch processing multiple cases.

I tried the GH workflow again, and the strange thing is that sometimes it works fine, sometimes it will repeat running the last case for multiple times… Still haven’t figured out the cause…

Hi @MingboPeng,

I am also having problems with colibri.
Although I do not input anything for the colibri aggregator to save images, for each one of the iteration it saves an image.
Is there a way to disable this function?

Best regards,


Hi Federico,

By default, it always saves an image for you. there is no way to disable it in current version.
But, will add this function in the next release.

Thanks for your suggestion,

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Hi @MingboPeng,

While we are here, can I also ask you why the colibri parameters can just take in a list of 10 values max?
Do you think there is the possibility to raise the limit?

Best regards,


I intentionally limit it to 10 max for the list values.
For a good practice, we think it might be good to input the value one by one with each label. not plug in a list of value with one label.

Meanwhile, Colibri is designed for Design Explorer. 10 parameters are already reaching Design Explorer’s limit.

Please let me know if you think otherwise.


Hi @MingboPeng,

It makes sense what you are saying, but also this tool is very useful to save an enormous amount of data directly into an csv file that you can use for analysis that can be done with other software (excel for example)
What am I thinking for example is to record the value for each and every sensors of a light simulation, so you can later compare it with real measure data.
this is just a very simple example, but there are more example where to save more data is useful.
If you are thinking of design explorer application, of course does not make any sense to have a list of data, but for other type of analysis could be very useful.

Let me know!


Agreed, I also often need to export data to Excel. I usually copy all formatted data from panel manually to excel (for small amount of data). but the reason I do so is I want to generate charts or make a summary report. that’s it. I don’t do any real post processing in excel.

There is another tool in GH to save the data to Excel.
For genetic use, you can use this instead image


Hi @MingboPeng,

Thanks to your comments I could set up an analysis where I use the excel component in a parametric way, like the colibri component.
As I did it, for each iteration I can save the data in a separate file, that is ok, but it would be perfect if I can save all the data in just a file with each iteration saved in a different worksheet with the name of the iteration.
I saw that there is an option where you can set to save the file in a separate worksheet but I cannot figure it out how to make it work with my file.

I enclose the file so you can have a look at it.
If you have any suggestion I would appreciate it very much.

Best regards,

Federico (523.5 KB)

Hi @MingboPeng,

I have been using the excel components of the TT Toolbox and they work beautifully.
For parametric analysis they are very usefull.
I have though an error in one computer as you can see in the pic attached.
I have been using the same file in different computers and only in one of these this error happens.
Let me know if you know how to fix it.



By chance i deal with this error recently. It has to do with the installation of TT Toolbox. Just check that in the Libraries folder you have the TT folder and that inside this one ALL the items are unblocked. There are 9 items there.

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Hi @AbrahamYezioro,

this was exactly what was causing the problem.
Thanks for the tip!