************** *** PID 7892: rpict -t 10 -vth -vp 2.9926443099975586 2.4607629776000977 1.2908339500427246 -vd 0.22062274830588088 0.97407957431054992 0.049945829064473951 -vu 0.0 0.0 1.0 -vh 60.000 -vv 60.000 -vs -0.500 -vl -0.500 -x 550 -y 245 -af 21MAR900_IMG.amb -ps 4 -pt 0.1 -pj 0.9 -dj 0.5 -ds 0.25 -dt 0.25 -dc 0.5 -dr 1 -dp 256 -st 0.5 -ab 3 -ad 2048 -as 2048 -ar 64 -aa 0.200 -lr 6 -lw 0.010 -av 0 0 0 -e error.log 21MAR900_IMG.oct rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours ************** *** PID 10048: rpict -t 10 -vth -vp 2.9926443099975586 2.4607629776000977 1.2908339500427246 -vd 0.22062274830588088 0.97407957431054992 0.049945829064473951 -vu 0.0 0.0 1.0 -vh 60.000 -vv 60.000 -vs 0.500 -vl -0.500 -x 550 -y 245 -af 21MAR900_IMG.amb -ps 4 -pt 0.1 -pj 0.9 -dj 0.5 -ds 0.25 -dt 0.25 -dc 0.5 -dr 1 -dp 256 -st 0.5 -ab 3 -ad 2048 -as 2048 -ar 64 -aa 0.200 -lr 6 -lw 0.010 -av 0 0 0 -e error.log 21MAR900_IMG.oct rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours ************** *** PID 10540: rpict -t 10 -vth -vp 2.9926443099975586 2.4607629776000977 1.2908339500427246 -vd 0.22062274830588088 0.97407957431054992 0.049945829064473951 -vu 0.0 0.0 1.0 -vh 60.000 -vv 60.000 -vs -0.500 -vl 0.500 -x 550 -y 245 -af 21MAR900_IMG.amb -ps 4 -pt 0.1 -pj 0.9 -dj 0.5 -ds 0.25 -dt 0.25 -dc 0.5 -dr 1 -dp 256 -st 0.5 -ab 3 -ad 2048 -as 2048 -ar 64 -aa 0.200 -lr 6 -lw 0.010 -av 0 0 0 -e error.log 21MAR900_IMG.oct rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours ************** *** PID 9952: rpict -t 10 -vth -vp 2.9926443099975586 2.4607629776000977 1.2908339500427246 -vd 0.22062274830588088 0.97407957431054992 0.049945829064473951 -vu 0.0 0.0 1.0 -vh 60.000 -vv 60.000 -vs 0.500 -vl 0.500 -x 550 -y 245 -af 21MAR900_IMG.amb -ps 4 -pt 0.1 -pj 0.9 -dj 0.5 -ds 0.25 -dt 0.25 -dc 0.5 -dr 1 -dp 256 -st 0.5 -ab 3 -ad 2048 -as 2048 -ar 64 -aa 0.200 -lr 6 -lw 0.010 -av 0 0 0 -e error.log 21MAR900_IMG.oct rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours OptiX 3.9.1 found driver 9.1.0 and 1 GPU device: Device 0: GeForce GT 740M with 2 multiprocessors, 1024 threads per block, 1032500 kHz, 2147483648 bytes global memory, 128 hardware textures, compute capability 3.5, timeout enabled, Tesla compute cluster driver disabled, cuda device 0. Geometry build time: 639 milliseconds for 612 objects. rpict: internal - Unknown error (Details: Function "_rtContextLaunch2D" caught C++ standard exception: bad allocation) (D:\nljones\Radiance\src\rt\optix_util.c:120) rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0019 hours rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0019 hours OptiX 3.9.1 found driver 9.1.0 and 1 GPU device: Device 0: GeForce GT 740M with 2 multiprocessors, 1024 threads per block, 1032500 kHz, 2147483648 bytes global memory, 128 hardware textures, compute capability 3.5, timeout enabled, Tesla compute cluster driver disabled, cuda device 0. Geometry build time: 631 milliseconds for 612 objects. OptiX kernel time: 4244 milliseconds (4 seconds). Adaptive sampling: 1331 milliseconds. Retrieved 43963 of 60025 potential seeds at level 0. K-means performed 4 loop iterations in 632 milliseconds. K-means produced 4093 of 4096 clusters at level 0. OptiX kernel time: 556 milliseconds (0 seconds). Retrieved 3844155 of 4194304 potential seeds at level 1. rpict: internal - CUDA Error 4: unspecified launch failure (D:/nljones/Radiance/src/rt/cuda_kmeans.cu:413) rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0042 hours OptiX 3.9.1 found driver 9.1.0 and 1 GPU device: Device 0: GeForce GT 740M with 2 multiprocessors, 1024 threads per block, 1032500 kHz, 2147483648 bytes global memory, 128 hardware textures, compute capability 3.5, timeout enabled, Tesla compute cluster driver disabled, cuda device 0. Geometry build time: 727 milliseconds for 612 objects. OptiX kernel time: 5040 milliseconds (5 seconds). Adaptive sampling: 1329 milliseconds. Retrieved 47151 of 60025 potential seeds at level 0. K-means performed 4 loop iterations in 632 milliseconds. K-means produced 4089 of 4096 clusters at level 0. OptiX kernel time: 750 milliseconds (0 seconds). Retrieved 4050610 of 4194304 potential seeds at level 1. rpict: internal - CUDA Error 4: unspecified launch failure (D:/nljones/Radiance/src/rt/cuda_kmeans.cu:413) rpict: 0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0047 hours