Average or mass addition

I want to know which output is the criterion when simulating daylight. average or mass addition?Which number should I read as the amount of light in the desired space?

There are lots of indices to represent daylight availability in a space.

But in this case, due to the fact that interpretation of the average value is independent from the number of grid points,it is more useful compared to the total summation of all the illuminance values of the grid.

Thanks Nima for the replyู…ู…ู†ูˆู†
I want to know, for example, when it is generally said that the lux required for a hallway is 150 lux, which output should I use as a criterion? So that I can tell if this simulation is too much, or too little! In this example, the average value is 7 lux and the total value is 194 lux

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To check the compliance to standards and codes, the minimum value of a grid should be more than a specific limit, in this case 150 lux.
For this purpose, you can use the Bounds component as it gives you the minimum and maximum of a list of numbers.

Now that is the maximum light, which is 25 lux, for this corridor with an area of 30 square meters, another 125 lux, do we need to reach the desired level?

Yes, more accurately you need to provide at least 150 lux, so the minimum value of illuminance which is now 1.96 lux, should be at least150 lux.
(You could do that using electric lighting)

thank you very much bro

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