BUG Ladybug_GenCumulativeSkyMTx : 1. Solution exception:The file could not be found

"1. Solution exception:The file could not be found’C:\Users\Lívia\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug\Sao_Paulo_Congonhas_AP_SP_BRA_2005\Sao_Paulo_Congonhas_AP_SP_BRA_2005_dif_1.mtx’. "

Hi guys! I have a issue with “Ladybug_GenCumulativevSkyMtx”. When I turn true the toggle, this componet can’t make a cumulativeSkyMtx. I looked for similar issues here, but the solutions doesn’t work for me.
So, I’m using windows (not mac), and I understend that It can generate a “mtx” file for some reason, so It could not be founded.
Could you help me?

Additional: I was following this class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QX1n9bcRZ8&list=PLwO_FSSNwNi7OFTWaNLeMP0-PVegS6dKV&index=23 to make it.

I’m starting to use Rhino/Grass/LB right know and is very important to me that it works! Thanks.

Hi @Livia1 For the 1st time you run the component it requires an internet connection. Try then.