Butterfly Loads Meshes from another File when I try to preview Mesh in New File, the Load Mesh is showing Geometry that I did not draw

Hi, would really appreciate if someone can help. May I ask why when I Load mesh in Butterfly it loads the mesh from another file instead of the current file I’m working on ? This is really weird and am not sure what to do. Would really appreciate if someone can help, thanks.

Butterfly Issue.gh (13.4 KB)

The only Geometry I drew

Geometry is missing in my environment. And your gh file is not running blockMesh, so I can’t see the mesh. It probably still has the result of a previous run.

Hi, thanks for getting back, do appreciate it. I think the Load Meshes update after running the Block Mesh Component. So the meshes only update once Block Mesh has been turned on. Thanks for getting back.