Climate Based Sky Component Keeps Reporting That File Misses Time

Hi, all it’s me again.
When I was about to run PIT analysis with Climatebased Sky I got error like this:

1. Solution exception: Datetime 20 Oct 12:30 was not found in the Wea.
tuple.index(x): x not in list

after several trying, I found out that misses yy mm dd 12:30. How can I coup with this situation?
CB (17.3 KB)

Solved but still confused.
When connecting port hoys the sky component will report that ‘hour:30 is miss’
Maybe the component will set hour:30 as its sampling point?

Hey @Zed ,

It all seems pretty clear to me. The hoys_ input filters out any hours from the Wea that aren’t for that hour of the year. So, in your file, you end up with a Wea that has a single irradiance value for 20 Oct 3:00 AM since your analysis period has only one hour in it. That’s why the value for 20 Oct 12:00 PM is not there in your Wea. It was filtered out by the hoys.

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