Correct radiation value

Hi all,

Just wondering if i am doing this correctly. The project is set up in Millimeters and i think i have the correct sizing for everything. However, when i generate the area for the surface i am analyzing it seems to be bigger than what is indicated on rhino. (70 meters long and around around 12m tall at the tips)

Using the area computation i get 573580m2 for the area.

So i feel like i am not getting accurate results for the radiation analysis. The output is 299530 kW in a year. is there a way to easily see any mistakes?
I hope i am making sense.

Radiation analysis (1.2 MB) (The attached file has the toggle set on false as the file is quite heavy)

The area was correct in the example above i just did not divided enough. I converted everything into meters and the radiation value stayed the same so i am assuming it is correct?

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