CSVSchedules Appear to Not Be Working In Open Studio

Using the create CSV Schedule component to generate a custom wind based infiltration schedule (because I can’t adjust the coefficients from Grasshopper, that is a whole other story).

The location of the CSV Schedule is correctly referenced in the Open Studio file, but when it runs, the results show zero infiltration in each zone. Yet when I switch the schedule to a typical one in OS, the zones show infiltration again. Any idea why it does not appear to like the hourly CSV schedule?


@macumber, @chris I’m not sure if this is an OpenStudio bug or is it a bug on how honeybee does use csv schedules with the OpenStudio model.

@Elliot_Glassman, can your share the osm file or the simulation folder? That will make it easier to debug. Thanks.

I have to say that it cannot be a bug in OpenStudio since honeybee legacy was developed at a time before OpenStudio supported CSV schedules and, to this day, it uses a workaround to add the CSV schedules in.

I second @mostapha 's suggestion that we will really need the grasshopper file to recreate the issue. Also, if you can verify that the CSV schedule name was correctly written into the IDF, that will narrow down the possible causes.