Dragonfly URBANOpt; error BuildingFootprint: (AssertionException): There must be at least 3 vertices for a Face3d boundary

Hi there. I am fumbling through the URBANOpt from_building_footprints.gh I tied in some structures that I am looking at. When I plug the geometries from my building footprints into the BuildingFootprint class, I get an error: There must be at least 3 vertices for a Face3d boundary. Got 1
I cannot seem to tell the difference between the shipped workflow with LBT and the building footprints I am using instead. Attached is the .gh for my current project.

pennsouth_from_footprints.gh (294.1 KB)



Hey @Geo_curious ,

You didn’t internalize the geometry in your Grasshopper file or provide the Rhino file. So I cannot recreate the issue on my end.

But a message like that indicates that there’s something invalid about your _footprint_geo. Make sure that there aren’t any tiny slivers of geometry that could evaluate to a surface with fewer than 3 vertices.