Dragonfly (Urbanotp) Urban Orientation Consideration

I am currently simulating an urban scale model by creating “Dragonfly models from solids” method and running an urbanotp simulation to see the effects of energy use depending on different cardinal orientations. After rotating the urban scale model in different orientations, the results of energy use is very minimal and at some cases the data is still the same with different orientations. I have used the HB simulation parameter and oriented north as default (0). Therefore, my question is does orientation of the urban scale model effect dragonfly (urbanotp) energy use?

That’s not particularly surprising. I imagine that, over a large urban area, there isn’t a particular preference of the buildings to face one orientation over the other. So changing the north just means that the energy use will go down in one building facing a certain orientation but then go up in another building facing the opposite orientation.

Granted, if all of the buildings of an entire urban area only have windows facing a single direction, then this result might be a little surprising. Or it could mean that the buildings are mostly driven by internal loads and not envelope loads. It’s hard to know without more of a description of the urban area being simulated.