EarthTube Heating Load

Hi all,
I am trying to run a heating simulation for a single room with windows, WITH and WITHOUT an earthtube. The results seem a bit un-intuitive, so i have the following questions/doubts -

  1. Should the heating load with earthtube not be lesser than the heating load without eartube? Is there some other component to read the heating load after subtracting for the earth tube?
  2. Do the results for READ EP FVAC results show the unmet hours only by the earth tube?
  3. What is the designflow rate in the earthtube component? is it the volumetric or the mass flow rate? What is the “general value range” for it or how to calculate it?
  4. In simulation output, for earthtube results, should load type be total or sensible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please also find attached the file.

Integrated Heating Loads (EarthTube).gh (614.2 KB)

Thanks a ton :slight_smile: