Hey everyone,
I encountered a problem when trying to use the BorderShades component. When assigning the depths of the shading elements by facade orientation, the component does not accept 0 as an input for depth (e.g., in the case where the north facade should have no shading but the others should). To solve that I had to add another condition on the definition of the function “assign_shades()”. I don’t know if the component should be updated or if this limitation is an arbitrary choice, but here is the new function definition just in case:
def assign_shades(aperture, depth, indoor, ep, rad):
"""Assign shades to an Aperture based on a set of inputs."""
if isinstance(aperture.boundary_condition, Outdoors) and depth > 0:
new_shades = aperture.extruded_border(depth, indoor)
# try to assign the energyplus construction
if ep is not None:
for shd in new_shades:
shd.properties.energy.construction = ep
# try to assign the radiance modifier
if rad is not None:
for shd in new_shades:
shd.properties.radiance.modifier = rad