Failed HB DF Analysis after stuck on warning rcalc no input

Hello, I’m a student and quite new in using ladybug and honeybee analysis. I’ve set the HB model and grid for daylight factor analysis with no errors but when it turns to switch the toggle to true in HB Daylight Factor component, pops out the script window that seems to be stuck in the same part with the same result after I tried to close the window and retry

I tried to internalise my data first after a few tries yet the same window pops out and get stuck again. Anybody know what to with this?

Hi @sya,

This is just a warning and not an error, and the recipe is still running while this warning shows up. The reason why it may seem stuck is because it is running the ray tracing step, which is the most time consuming task of the recipe. If you let the recipe run it should work just fine unless there are some other issues.