Five Phase Illuminance Simulation Error - Cannot Read

I am trying to run a five-phase illumination simulation using Honeybee but receiving the following error:

  1. Solution exception:Failed to load the results form an empty file: C:\Users\PrGupta\OneDrive - NBBJ LP\PenPlace\Panelite Test\withPanelite\gridbased_fivephase\result/scene…default.ill
    Double check inputs and outputs and make sure everything is run correctly.

There are no other errors along the script. Here are the things that we’ve tried:

  1. Using a different geometry
  2. Using a different weather file win_436_bsdf.xml (4.0 KB) panelite_bsdf.xml (826.6 KB)
  3. Using different directories
  4. Trying the script on two desktops (locally run)

Also, I am using BSDF files to define the glazing surfaces and not RGB values.
Running Radiance 5.3

Attaching the script, BSDF files and images of the error. (attached in a reply below)

panelite_bsdf.xml (826.6 KB) (576.4 KB) win_436_bsdf.xml (4.0 KB)

Figured out the issue. The problem is one of the BSDF files.