Fixed: WriteTHERM not working in Rhino5 (0.0.63)

Hi @chris,
The THERM (and perhaps other?) component doesn’t work in Rhino 5 as rc.RhinoApp has no attribute Version.

I’ve replaced the following lines:

    if str(rc.RhinoApp.Version).startswith('6'):


if str(rc.RhinoApp.Version).startswith(‘6’):

The fix should be applied at line 278 and 342 in the writeTHERM component… (mine is version 0.0.63)

All the best and see you in Copenhagen soon.

@Mathiassn ,
I have been able to run the therm components in Rhino 5 without issues. We can put in the try / except loop anyway but can I ask what service release of Rhino you are using? Perhaps the Version attribute did not exist in earlier versions of Rhinocommon.

@Mathiassn ,
I added the try / except loop anyway:

Let me know if that solved it and if the issue was an old Rhino version.

I haven’t downloaded it, but those lines of code fixed it on my computer. Didn’t cause problems at work, but at home im running old SR8 which had the problems… Should be ok now - cheers!