HB_Adaptive Comfort Map_Solution exception:The recipe failed to run with the following summary:

1. Solution exception:The recipe failed to run with the following summary:

Scheduled 56 tasks of which:
** 39 ran successfully:*

    • 1 ComputeSphericalViewFactors(…)*
    • 1 CopyGridInfo(…)*
    • 1 CopyRedistInfo(…)*
    • 1 CopyResultInfo(…)*
    • 1 CreateAirSpeedJson(…)*
  • …*
    ** 2 failed:*
    • 1 CreateAirTemperatureMap(…)*
    • 1 CreateLongwaveMrtMap(…)*
      ** 15 were left pending, among these:*
    • 2 were missing external dependencies:*
  •    - 1 RunComfortMap(…)*
  •    - 1 RunComfortMapLoop(…)*
    • 3 had failed dependencies:*
  •    - 1 ComputeTcp(…)*
  •    - 1 ProcessAdaptiveMatrix(…)*
  •    - 1 _ComfortMappingEntryPoint_9d6ff838Orchestrator(…)*
    • 8 had missing dependencies:*
  •    - 1 LetAdaptiveComfortMapFly(…)*
  •    - 1 RestructureConditionIntensityResults(…)*
  •    - 1 RestructureConditionResults(…)*
  •    - 1 RestructureCspResults(…)*
  •    - 1 RestructureHspResults(…)*
  •    …*
    • 2 was not granted run permission by the scheduler:*
  •    - 1 RunComfortMap(…)*
  •    - 1 RunComfortMapLoop(…)*

This progress looks :frowning: because there were failed tasks

Use the report_out attribute of recipe settings to see a full report.

Hi, does anyone have any idea how to fix this kind of problem?
I’ve been working on it for days, but I can’t figure it out…

Hi @Ale1994 ,

To know exactly what is going wrong, you would have to upload the log file, which would be found in the


It’s possible that your model was not valid or something like that but the log file would tell us for sure.

Thanks @chris for the support
Uploading: logs.log…

The link you uploaded there is empty, @Ale1994 .

logs.log (237.6 KB)

I don’t know how it couldn’t load anything, now I should have succeeded

Hey @Ale1994 ,

Your log file shows that the EnergyPlus simulation failed:

My guess is that your input Model is not valid and the HB Validate Model component can tell you exactly what is wrong with it.

You can also try running the Model through EnergyPlus with the HB Model to OSM component and this will give you a more explicit error message from EnergyPlus.

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Thanks, I followed the advice, the geometry was not recognized as closed but with planarize brep I solved it.

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