HB daylight analysis strange value

Hello everyone,
I’m working on my thesis for master architecture, and I decided to investigate the daylight analysis.
I’m choose a fairly easy shape of a building (open courtyard, vertical space for staircase, simple ground floor, first floor with double hight in one spot, 2nd floor.

Now, here the problem:altought everything seems to be set up correctly, the value I receive back from honeybee seems to be incredibly high, and not correct.
I ran 2 simulation: the first one with simple windows, the second one with shaders in front of every of it.
The problem is, the lux results I obtained seems (based on my poor experience) extremeley high, and does not seem to change that much with the shaders.

On 21 of June at 12 I obtain a range between 15 and 47893 lux, with no shaders.
On the same day, with shaders on I get 0 and 45220 lux. The difference seems to be too small in my perception.

What could be the mistake I am doing?
Thanks so much in advance everyone