HB Straight Skeleton - output skeleton as list of lists

Hi All,

I’m looking for a way to get HB Straight Skeleton to output a list of lists instead of one flattened list.

See attached minimal example: I have geometry at {0;0} and {0;1}, and I would like the skeleton output to include 5 curves under {0;0} and 8 curves under {0;1}, but instead I have all 13 items under {0;0}.

Grafting the skeleton output does not solve the issue.

Could anyone assist?

(The overall purpose is to use the skeletons to extrude hip roofs for multiple buildings with different roof heights; this is just one step).

Thanks in advance,

Hi @anthony, I butchered a straight skeleton component but I think I have the output your looking for:

I’ve uploaded a file with the component below
skeleton_modification.gh (8.6 KB)


That’s perfect - thanks, Trevor!

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