Hello Mostapha!
First of all, thank you for sharing your work and knowledge, appreciate it.
Secondly, I had some questions regarding the first tutorial file (Honeybee for daylight simulation). I have tried to update the script through a step by step construction of the components. A epw is attached and I can run the simulation and se some results, yet the results is not accurate or complete.
The proportions of the model image shown in the embryo is different from my viewport in rhino. Even when I change the camera option to parallel in the image based símulation component it does not seem to work. what am i missing here?
I cant seem to get the shadows in the rendering simulation? I have connected the epw file but it seems to be out of function.
I have attached all the files, thank you for your time.
/Afshin DaylightSimulation.ghHoneybee.Daylightsimulation.3dm
Honeybee.Daylightsimulation.3dm (251 KB)
DaylightSimulation.gh (777 KB)