Honeybee Doesn't recognize geometry

Hi, I encountered the issue when I tried to run an illuminance simulation with honeybee and it seems like it does not see the geometry that blocks direct sunlight. In that case the roof. Any tips?

@TrevorFedyna No, the roof in question is an HB geometry/ face

@ksawery.marszalek are you able to share your model and your script?
If you cant share it directly on here, using a 3rd party application like google drive, WeTransfer etc will work.

Sure @TrevorFedyna, here it is: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

@ksawery.marszalek I added some windows to keep things from all being blue:
I made a honeybee room, assigned the overhangs as shades.

geometry_issues_radiance.gh (61.4 KB)
Hopefully that is of some help

Thanks, @TrevorFedyna , that helps a lot. Do I understand correctly that you recommend the HB room method and do simulation by zone rather than face-by-face?

@ksawery.marszalek I think that using rooms is a good best practice where possible as there are a number of checks along the way that can prevent the occurrence of defects along the way.

In your case doing sims on a classroom, HB room is the way to go I believe

I see, thank you very much for your help!

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