Is the PyPi version of Ladybug library has the modules that does "Comfort recipe" as the legacy library?

Dear @chris,

I am wondering if Comfort recipe is available for the PyPi version of a ladybug? I am looking for the module that can determine testpointblocked vector to use in the solarcal calculations, however, I believe it is currently only available in the legacy module so I am wondering when/if it is available in the PyPi library as well?

Also, how about view factor calculations (Honeybee_Indoor View Factor Calculator)? Does PyPi library has this function yet?



The functions to compute shortwave MRT delta with SolarCal exists here in the ladybug-comfort library on PyPi. However, you will see that the methods there have you input view factors and the fraction of the body exposed to beam solar. The means of calculating these inputs to SolarCal is not really supported in the PyPI libraries right now.

Technically there are some ways you can try to get them with methods in ladybug-geometry like this one but the right way to get these inputs in a fast, scale-able manner is to use Radiance. We should be rolling out some recipes and workflows for getting view factors out of Radiance soon and we already have some workflows to give you shortwave irradince that can be input to SolarCal.