Looking for a job

Hello everyone!
I don’t know if I can do this here. But I’m looking for a job with energy simulations in Ladybug tools. My skills are mostly in thermal simulations, but i already did some daylight simulations, parametric configurations, evolutive simulations with Wallacei.
So if someone wants to talk about it, I’ll be glad to share my works so far.

I’m brazillian architect and urban designer. Worked 3 years in residencial, institucional and commercial architecture projects. I consider myself beginner on LB tools, (one year and half) but i’ve created some simulations workflows, on last company I worked, coordinating all the team in a operational system and so deeping my knowledge on this platform. There I dedicated myself to understand best ways to work with LB and Honeybee to thermal and daylight simulations for Brazil’s standarts.

Now I’m finishing my a research about Indoor Air Quality and impact in energy consumption for my master’s Degree in Federal University of Santa Catarina. So I really want to continue working and developing researches and projects, trying the BIM-BEM, thermal, daylight or whatever is needed.


Are you familiar with thermal bridge simulations in accordance with ISO 10211?
I know someone with a ton of TB modeling work

Hello, I only used octopus to do multi-objective optimization of building thermal environment, but apparently octopus software is a little old, and the SPEA-II and HYPE algorithms in octopus are also relatively backward. I am very interested in using wallacei for multi-objective optimization, and I look forward to communicating with you. :grinning:

Hello @omen! You’re right, I choose Wallacei because it’s a better tool for me. Octopus sometimes have some bugs and I needed to restart after some hours working and so Wallacei used NSGA II.
The tools to work on results were better on Wallacei for me too.

Have you seen the #announcements:jobs category? There are several job postings that you can apply for.

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