Model units when calculating sDA

Hey o/
I am trying to calculate the sDA for a project, but I keep getting the same error:

  1. Solution exception:There must be at least 3 vertices for a Face3D boundary. Got 2

My model is based off of a Revit model and I have used Rhino.Inside.Revit to import and bake the geometry into a Rhino file. The problem seems to occur whenever I change my model units inside Rhino from millimeters (which is the unit of the Revit model) to meters (which is the unit I have been told to use with my Grasshopper definition).

This makes me believe that it has something to do with tolerance, but changing that does not help me either. If I keep the model units as is (millimeters), there are no issues and I get a result just fine. Am I okay using millimeters instead of meters when calculating sDA?

Kind regards,