So this is mostly a grasshopper logic kind of question (still involves Honeybee outputs though).
My client wants to build a GH definition that will reaccomodate furniture based on my daylight simulation results. For example “reading seats” should be accomodated around higher natural light availability, while more “lounge seats” should be accomodated around the lower natural light availability.
I guess my question is, how do I populate the test grid with elements that won’t stack, based on the grid’s value. Sounds doable, just don’t know what the process could be.
What do you think?
Hi Jose, do you want to move the tables around on an hourly basis? Or do you want to find the ideal location for the tables during the year assuming once the tables are in place you won’t move them around anymore?
For the first one, you can load the hourly results from an annual study and then creat a logic to locate the tables in desired locations based on the illuminance values for each hour.
For the second case, you can use an annual metric such as daylight autonomy and locate the tables in areas with highest values.
Mostapha, thanks for your response!
So the request is a little more meta. My gap is in “creating a logic to locate the tables” part, and I’m realizing that the question is probably more fit for a GH forum.
We’re running a parametric study on a shoebox and wanted to automate the geometry location part of the script, so we don’t have to manually relocate the furniture geometry over the test mesh after every iteration - only for graphic interpretation purposes. I’m aware that it’s easier to simply show the geometry after a “case” is picked, but I guess it’s worth automating.
I’ll bring the question to the GH discourse.