Hello everyone
I want to work on building optimizations (orientation, form, wwr) based on natural ventilation ( energy or thermal comfort as criteria) for my master thesis. I haven’t worked with honey bee, is it possible to work in honey bee?
yes it is possible, actually among different methods using ladybug tools + optimization plugins is very good choose. I used ladybug tools and octopus (optimization plugin for grasshopper) for my thesis to optimize energy use based on building geometry properties like shape, orientation,wwr, shades,… . go for it.
Thanks for your reply
Your thesis subject seems great. I want to do sth like that for naturally ventilated building. I can work with grasshopper and ladybug. Do you know which plugin I should learn for working in filed of natural ventilation optimization?
well, you can use both honeybee and butterfly, honeybee is for building energy analysis through energy plus, and butterfly is CFD analysis tool, you can analysis your building behavior against wind streams using butterfly by creating wind tunnel. about this you have to ask your supervisor and specify type of your analysis.
also you will need a platform to preform evolutionary calculation to search possible answers, you can search “www.food4rhino.com” for that, I recommend using “octopus” because you can search multiple objectives.
Thanks for your explanation i will go for it
Hello, I attempted to use Butterfly in conjunction with Octopus or Wallacei, but unfortunately, my Butter_SnappyHexMesh is generating errors. It appears that these errors are occurring because the second simulation starts before the first one has finished. Is it possible to use them together, and do you have any suggestions to address this issue?