No heating or cooling output when load_type is set to "Latent" or "Sensible"

I have a room with an ideal air loads system. I should be able to filter out the latent vs. sensible heating/cooling energy as per RDD file:

However I don’t get any: (41.7 KB)

Why is this?

From what I understand the cooling/heating output on the room energy results component is explicitly the correlating RDD output for whatever the correct nomenclature is; for the ‘all’ load type.

If you do this: you get what you are looking for: (44.3 KB)

I’m not sure as I didn’t check; but you MAY be able to have ‘All’ input for load type and stull request the sensible/latent hourly Hx and Cx… but I’m not saying that with any conviction coz I didn’t check lol.

But in the room energy results component you will see what output strings are correlating to the outputs on the component:

# List of all the output strings that will be requested
cooling_outputs = LoadBalance.COOLING + (
    'Cooling Coil Electricity Energy',
    'Chiller Electricity Energy',
    'Zone VRF Air Terminal Cooling Electricity Energy',
    'VRF Heat Pump Cooling Electricity Energy',
    'Chiller Heater System Cooling Electricity Energy',
    'District Cooling Chilled Water Energy',
    'Evaporative Cooler Electricity Energy')
heating_outputs = LoadBalance.HEATING + (
    'Boiler NaturalGas Energy',
    'Heating Coil Total Heating Energy',
    'Heating Coil NaturalGas Energy',
    'Heating Coil Electricity Energy',
    'Humidifier Electricity Energy',
    'Zone VRF Air Terminal Heating Electricity Energy',
    'VRF Heat Pump Heating Electricity Energy',
    'VRF Heat Pump Defrost Electricity Energy',
    'VRF Heat Pump Crankcase Heater Electricity Energy',
    'Chiller Heater System Heating Electricity Energy',
    'District Heating Hot Water Energy',
    'Baseboard Electricity Energy',
    'Hot_Water_Loop_Central_Air_Source_Heat_Pump Electricity Consumption',
    'Boiler Electricity Energy',
    'Water Heater NaturalGas Energy',
    'Water Heater Electricity Energy',
    'Cooling Coil Water Heating Electricity Energy')

so referring to the existing HB results output components: If you really wanted to, you could even write your own output component that explicitly returns the outputs that you currently want; if you wanted to be a touch extra and not use the request outputs component

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Thanks @TrevorFedyna!

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No prob! Happy was able to assist

@chris, is the way that this currently works intentional?

Ah, good catch, @MaxMarschall and @TrevorFedyna .

It looks like I used two different EnergyPlus output names depending on whether we’re requesting them before the simulation vs. parsing them after. Before the simulation, I’m requesting:

Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Energy

After the simulation, I’m requesting:

Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Energy

It seems the only difference is that the first one accounts for the sensible energy added/removed from the ventilation air while the second is purely the sensible energy within the zone itself. I changed it so that they both use the first one:

Give it an hour and the fix will be available with the LB Versioner. Then, you’ll get results coming out of the Room Result component when using the “sensible” and “latent” options: