One-diode model and serial-parallel capabilities for simulating solar power generation

Is there any plan to add One diode model and serial-parallel functions for simulation of solar power generation in Ladybug 1.3.0 or 1.4.0 versions that will be updated later?

One diode model needs to be used to see the effectiveness of shading, and for more information, serial-parallel functionality between modules is possible, which is difficult to simulate because it is not built into Ladybug.

Thank you for your answers.

If there are modules for them in EnergyPlus, then I think we will add them to the new LBT plugin eventually. Is this what you are referring to?

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Yes, that’s right. What I said is included in Energy Plus. Thank you for your answers.

This is on my agenda and we’ll get to it eventually. You’ll know when it has been added when this GitHub issue gets closed:

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Thank you very much for your kind answer to the question I asked you. @chris