Plotting Average Monthly Per Hour data

Hi @chris,

In the legacy version, I was able to plot the monthly per hour data using the 3DChart component.
However, in version 1.8.0, the replaced component, HourlyPlot, will give me this error

  1. Solution exception:HourlyPlot data_collection must be a HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection. Got <class ‘ladybug.datacollection.MonthlyPerHourCollection’>.

This is a screenshot of the expected result from the legacy version.

Is there any alternative component or any way to convert MonthlyPerHourCollection to HourlyContinuousCollection?

Thank you!

Watching. @chris @mostapha if the solution is just to repeat the data so we have 8760 values. My hunch from attending your workshops is that the functionality is probably still somewhere but moved from the component we had it in?

I got something dumb in mind - not converting MonthlyPerHourCollection to the hourly one, but visualized the montly-per-hour dataset with a 12 * 24 mesh.