Problem in daylighting visualization

I am new with Honeybee/grasshopper so excuse me if my question is basic.

I imported a geometry from Revit to Rhino, I used pipeline to define each levels walls and floor. I use one floor for generating the test point.

  1. how can I visualize the results in sequential floor plan like the example file?

mine is only showing up in perspective view, under all other floors and walls so basically I cant see the results.

I tried running it while on top view or even created 2dplan view of each floor. is not working.

I also would like to get rid of those cros mark on the plan view and only see the color mesh.

any help? Thanks !

To better understand your case please upload your definitions.

i will. meanwhile do you know if there is a sample file of pipeline into daylighting analysis that I can download and take a look? thanks !