I have a question regarding photovoltaic simulation in HB.
I do not quite get what _noParallel and _noSeries inputs are controlling exactly - could you point me in the right direction?
I also would like to better understand the underlaying calculations. As far as i understand - the amount of electricity obtained by a PV is rougly efficiency * insolation falling on a solar panel (solar radiation) - according to wikipedia. I tried to analyze, same surfaces i used for PV calculation, with solar radiation. I then multiply the result by _cellsEfficiency factor from PV calculation. The results are completely different. I am probably missing a lot of things here - maybe you could tell me more?
As far as I understand, both inputs are controlling total amount of panels’ energy the system will generate. This amount of energy depends on how the panels are connected to each other. Each component is connected to every other component. A parallel circuit will continue to work even if it contains a broken component, for example, because it has multiple paths for current to travel. The principle works the same way of parallels/series lamps connections. Also, this definition helps to define the most adequate inverter to convert DC to AC current.
I also will take the opportunity to ask for help. I am (coincidently) having an issue to set properly the Generator PV component, as we can see in the two figures below.
Here we can see that I’ve set 840 panels as surfaces along the building façade in the background.
Well, I think I figured it out, but not the way I was expecting for. The component now recognizes all panels, but does not interpret the parallel/series thing…