Radiant asymmetry discomfort sample issue

Hi @chris,
I’m testing the new radiant_asymmetry_discomfort sample.
The RadAsymm component complains about:

Runtime error (ImportException):
Failed to import ladybug:
cannot import local from ladybug_comfort

line 49, in script

I notice also that the component doesn’t show in the LB group 1 toolbar (where it is supposed to be). My suspicion is that the syncing with the github was not done correctly.

Just in case, i did update with the Versioner (the ViewFactors component appears and works fine).

Just FYI.

Hey @AbrahamYezioro ,

It was another hiccup in our CI. Try running the LB Versioner now and you should find that you are able to run that new sample file.

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It is fine now @chris.

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