Read Precipitation Data with LB Component


I’m studying a douzain french farm’s water cycle and need to gather precipitation data as well as all regular datas allready read by Ladybug’s open epw component.

I am newbee to Python, and I tried to edit open epw component. It seems to me that the missing data is not recognized by ladybug classes library. I f so, there is no way to get to that data through ladybug. Am I correct ?

I used meteonorm to interpolate weather datas, and compared them to datas from weather stations. They don’t seem so weird to me and fit well to my need.

I found rainwaterplus gh definition :

It is looking kind of what I need, but with MeteoNoem epw datas, and possibility to cross at a hourly step temperature, irradiation, wind speed and direction to evaluate grass and forest evapo-transpiration, and soil runoff… Plumbing network plugin would be nice too, but is for the next step.

What would you suggest ?