Run Daylight Simulation Problem ('exportAirWalls_' is not defined)

Hello bugs and bees,

I was studying HB with Mostapha’s tutorials and met an obstacle which I couldn’t resolve.

The file I’m struggling with is described in this tutorial.

Basically Run Daylight Simulation returns this message:

  1. Solution exception:name ‘exportAirWalls_’ is not defined

I don’t get what’s the problem here and what’s the connection with Air Walls.

FYI: I downloaded LB/HB from GitHub a couple of days ago. (722 KB)

Hi Tim

It’s a micro bug, I’m going to fix it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I suggest you do in this way: change the name of the input “exportinteriorWalls” to “exportAirWalls_”.

the simulation will run correctly and, although a new balloon message will appear, you will see the results.
I should ask Mostapha about this warning message (non planar vertices).



You just need to reinsert the HB_runDaylightAnalysis. It is already fixed.


Hey Antonello and Abraham,

Thanks for the care, yeah, I just tried to reinsert the component but now I have a new problem…

False alarm, but daaaaaaymn it took a lot of time to finish XD. Should I look more into RADParameters to tweak the quality? Does it work like Vray rendering?

Thanks you guys.