2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if LetAnnualDaylightFly(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if _Main_8529a1a1Orchestrator(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task LetAnnualDaylightFly___cpu_count___15_3d2d0c2f23 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CalculateAnnualMetrics(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if ParseSunUpHours(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task _Main_8529a1a1Orchestrator___cpu_count___15_3d2d0c2f23 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if GenerateSunpath(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, output_type=0) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task ParseSunUpHours___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task GenerateSunpath___cpu_count___15_0_8b0dc69250 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CalculateTwoPhaseMatrix(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CalculateAnnualMetrics___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CreateRadFolder(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if PrepareMultiphase(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CreateTotalSky(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, cumulative=hourly, output_format=ASCII, output_type=visible, sky_density=1, sky_type=total) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CreateDirectSky(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, cumulative=hourly, output_format=ASCII, output_type=visible, sky_density=1) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Checking if CreateSkyDome(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, sky_density=1) is complete 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CalculateTwoPhaseMatrix___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateSkyDome___cpu_count___15_1_df648ae864 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateDirectSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_d1d9ebb082 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task PrepareMultiphase___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status PENDING 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Done scheduling tasks 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Running Worker with 15 processes 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Pending tasks: 11 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Pending tasks: 10 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: GenerateSunpath: copying input artifact wea from C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea ... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: GenerateSunpath: finished copying artifacts... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Started running GenerateSunpath... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Usage: gendaymtx [-v][-h][-d|-s][-r deg][-m N][-g r g b][-c r g b][-o{f|d}][-O{0|1}] [tape.wea] 2022-08-31 17:13:29 ERROR: Failed task: GenerateSunpath. Run the command with --debug key to debug the workflow. 2022-08-31 17:13:29 ERROR: [pid 31316] Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) failed GenerateSunpath(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, output_type=0) Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\users\francesco emanuele\ladybug_tools\python\lib\site-packages\luigi\worker.py", line 191, in run new_deps = self._run_get_new_deps() File "c:\users\francesco emanuele\ladybug_tools\python\lib\site-packages\luigi\worker.py", line 133, in _run_get_new_deps task_gen = self.task.run() File "c:\users\francesco emanuele\ladybug_tools\python\lib\site-packages\queenbee_local\__init__.py", line 273, in run raise ValueError(err_msg) ValueError: Failed task: GenerateSunpath. Run the command with --debug key to debug the workflow. 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Pending tasks: 9 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: CreateSkyDome: finished copying artifacts... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Started running CreateSkyDome... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Pending tasks: 8 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: CreateDirectSky: copying input artifact wea from C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea ... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: CreateDirectSky: finished copying artifacts... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Started running CreateDirectSky... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 DEBUG: Pending tasks: 7 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: CreateTotalSky: copying input artifact wea from C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea ... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: CreateTotalSky: finished copying artifacts... 2022-08-31 17:13:29 INFO: Started running CreateTotalSky... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: GenerateSunpath___cpu_count___15_0_8b0dc69250 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateSkyDome___cpu_count___15_1_df648ae864 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateDirectSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_d1d9ebb082 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Informed scheduler that task GenerateSunpath___cpu_count___15_0_8b0dc69250 has status FAILED 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateSkyDome___cpu_count___15_1_df648ae864 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateDirectSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_d1d9ebb082 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: copying input artifact input_model from C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/SolidApproach.hbjson ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: finished copying artifacts... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Started running CreateRadFolder... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [{"path": "sky.mtx", "full_path": "C:\\Users\\FRANCE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmps9lv9oe_\\sky.mtx"}]Usage: gendaymtx [-v][-h][-d|-s][-r deg][-m N][-g r g b][-c r g b][-o{f|d}][-O{0|1}] [tape.wea] 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateSkyDome: copying output artifact sky-dome to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/resources/sky.dome ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: ...finished running CreateSkyDome in 0:00:00 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [pid 2028] Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) done CreateSkyDome(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, sky_density=1) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateSkyDome___cpu_count___15_1_df648ae864 has status DONE 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateDirectSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_d1d9ebb082 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateDirectSky: copying output artifact sky-matrix to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/resources/sky_direct.mtx ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: ...finished running CreateDirectSky in 0:00:00 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [pid 25652] Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) done CreateDirectSky(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, cumulative=hourly, output_format=ASCII, output_type=visible, sky_density=1) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateDirectSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_d1d9ebb082 has status DONE 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [{"path": "sky.mtx", "full_path": "C:\\Users\\FRANCE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpwo30l6kv\\sky.mtx"}]Usage: gendaymtx [-v][-h][-d|-s][-r deg][-m N][-g r g b][-c r g b][-o{f|d}][-O{0|1}] [tape.wea] 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateTotalSky: copying output artifact sky-matrix to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/resources/sky.mtx ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: ...finished running CreateTotalSky in 0:00:00 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [pid 23956] Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) done CreateTotalSky(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}, cumulative=hourly, output_format=ASCII, output_type=visible, sky_density=1, sky_type=total) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateTotalSky___cpu_count___15_hourly_ASCII_4acb2d2445 has status DONE 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 is currently run by worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: C:\Users\FRANCE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpnl0s1csnc:\users\francesco emanuele\ladybug_tools\python\lib\site-packages\honeybee_radiance_folder\folder.py:628: UserWarning: Room_1 sensor grid has no view matrix receiver. It will not be included in three or five phase studies. 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: 'included in three or five phase studies.' % grid['name'] 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: creating an empty folder for optional artifact bsdf-folder at C:\Users\FRANCE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpnl0s1csn\model\bsdf ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: copying output artifact model-folder to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/model ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: copying output artifact bsdf-folder to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/model/bsdf ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: copying output artifact sensor-grids-file to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/results/grids_info.json ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: CreateRadFolder: copying output parameters sensor-grids to C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight/__params/model/grid/_info.json ... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: ...finished running CreateRadFolder in 0:00:00 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: [pid 788] Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) done CreateRadFolder(_input_params={"cpu_count": 15, "grid_filter": "*", "min_sensor_count": 200, "model": "SolidApproach.hbjson", "north": 0.0, "params_folder": "__params", "radiance_parameters": "-ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05 -dr 0", "schedule": "Generic Office Occupancy.csv", "simulation_folder": "C:/Lavoro C/Ladybug Simulations/Nuova cartella/annual_daylight", "thresholds": "-t 300 -lt 100 -ut 3000", "wea": "Boston Logan IntL Arpt_0_8759.wea"}) 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Informed scheduler that task CreateRadFolder___cpu_count___15_fd812eee45 has status DONE 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work... 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: Done 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are no more tasks to run at this time 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are 7 pending tasks possibly being run by other workers 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are 7 pending tasks unique to this worker 2022-08-31 17:13:30 DEBUG: There are 7 pending tasks last scheduled by this worker 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: Worker Worker(salt=434575751, workers=15, host=DESKTOP-266DESG, username=Francesco Emanuele, pid=27172) was stopped. Shutting down Keep-Alive thread 2022-08-31 17:13:30 INFO: ===== Luigi Execution Summary ===== Scheduled 11 tasks of which: * 4 ran successfully: - 1 CreateDirectSky(...) - 1 CreateRadFolder(...) - 1 CreateSkyDome(...) - 1 CreateTotalSky(...) * 1 failed: - 1 GenerateSunpath(...) * 6 were left pending, among these: * 6 had failed dependencies: - 1 CalculateAnnualMetrics(...) - 1 CalculateTwoPhaseMatrix(...) - 1 LetAnnualDaylightFly(...) - 1 ParseSunUpHours(...) - 1 PrepareMultiphase(...) ... This progress looks :( because there were failed tasks ===== Luigi Execution Summary =====