Automatic process to convert radiance geometry to honeybee object

Hi all,

I have a question about running threephase simulation for multiple buildings as efficiently as possible.
For our situation we have multiple buildings. For each building have three types of files we need to input:

• Radiance Geometry
• Radiance Materials
• BSDF files (.xml)

We have tried to automate some of the process but the tricky part is that every building is quite different e.g. different amounts of windows, different names for windows, different amounts of bsdf files.

In terms of geometry:

Our plan is that we want to efficiently import the radiance file and separate and convert all the opaque geometry (walls, furniture etc) to hb surfaces and the windows into hb window groups in order to plug it in as hb objects.

In terms of glazing:

Windows in the buildings are grouped together and we need to extract the window groups but they can be grouped differently within each model.
For example, Building A may have 10 windows, 5 windows are in windowgroup1 and the remaining 5 are in windowgroup2. Building A might have two windowgroups and then Building B might have ten windowgroups.

In order to separate the glazing/windows from the rest of the model we need to filter the radiance materials by name however names in each model vary. Building A might have the glazing called clearglazing and Building B might have the glazing called dirtyglazing. There around ten different names for the glazing across all the buildings.

We have bsdf xml files for an open and closed state that we want to apply to the different windowgroups.
For example windowgroup1open.xml and windowgroup1closed.xml which we want to apply to windowgroup1. And then and windowgroup2.closed.xml apply to windowgroup2 and so on up to one model with over 10 windowgroups and associated xml files.

We have started to create this process using the fly tool and understand how to simulate the first building and then move to the next. We have focused on the glazing in the example below where we have the glazing names in a txt file and have the selector and match components to create the hb windowgroups.

Since we know the number of glazing surfaces we can create the same number or breps. But when we have the remaining opaque geometry (walls, furniture etc) where the number of each individual surfaces can be very high, do we create a brep for each surface? And then apply the material to that surface?

We want to create an automated process that imports materials and geometry and then apply the corresponding xmls to the correct windowgroups using the glazing names but we have the above issues. Are there any recommendations for us to overcome these issues?

Grasshopper File: (501.7 KB)

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I need to read your question one more time carefully and I will write a longer reply later today but for now see this:

If you have all your files ready to go then you probably don’t want to bother using honeybee[+] from an interface.

Nothing to add right now, but kudos for a very well drafted question !

Thanks Sarith and Mostapha for the reply.