How to change number of CPUS in HoneyBee+ three phase annual simulation

Hi all, I am using the Honeybee + sample files to run three phase annual simulation but am wondering how to change the number of CPUs that are used for running of the simulation. I understand how to do this using Honeybee but am unsure how to do this in HB +. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using the 09_three_phase_I_gridbased_CPU sample file (451.1 KB)
clear.xml (337.4 KB)
diffuse50.xml (268.6 KB)

Radiance and Daysim, the simulation engines used by Honeybee, do not natively support multi-threading on Windows. Multiprocessing is possible on Windows-based machines with HB because of some clever hacking by Mostapha wherein he splits each job, whether imaging or annual simulation, into multiple batch files and then launches them in parallel with python by assigning them separate process-ids.

HB[+] relies purely on Radiance, however, the limitation with respect to multi-threading on Windows still holds. You should be able to run run Honeybee[+] with multiple CPUs if you use the core library on a Linux or Mac machine. While beta-testing, I had tried upto 96 cpus in parallel on a remote-cluster and didn’t run into any problems.

Ah okay, thank you for your reply Sarith