OpenFOAM native for Windows 10 running error


I have two compute to run CFD analysis.No.1 is using butterfly in windows 7 with virtualbox. No.1 is not running virtualbox,but using the windows 10 subsystem linux to running OpenFOAM native version.No.1 has the low computational capabilities.No.2 has the higt computational capabilities. No.1 is using OpenFOAM 1612+ version.No.1 is using OpenFOAM 1712+.So i have to copy the OpenFOAM folder which generated by butterfly to the No.2 for calculate. During the process, the blockMesh and snappyhexmesh can run without error.But the simpleFoam ran with error. I do not konw how to fix the error. Anyone can help me???

I have fix the error.I just copy all the file in folder 0 to the folder 2.Then re-run the simpleFoam,it gave me no error. Thanks,guys!

Hello, Minggang.
Can you share your workaround to install OpenFoam on Linux subsystem on Windows 10? I have reinstalled 5-6 times v1612 and v1712 with no success in a clean install of Windows 10 Fall Creators Edition (Bootcamp).

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I think I found my answer… I will give a try

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Sorry to reply lately. I fellow the steps of this website installing OpenFOAM-V1712 for Windows 10. Here is the link: