Category | Topics |
ladybug-toolsUse idea category for topics that are about new thoughts and ideas which is not a #feature. All the discussions related to operating systems, overall discussions about the plugins or the community should be tagged as #ladybug-tools.
grasshopperPost your generic questions about the Grasshopper plugins under this category. For each specific plugin select the subcategory for the plugin. For instance questions related to the honeybee plugin for Grasshopper should be created under #dynamo:honeybee category.
scriptingQuestions related to using Ladybug Tools for scripting and development.
announcementsUse this category for announcements. There are four categories for releases, events, publications and jobs.
faqThis is a category for the questions that asked frequently by users or developers.
dynamoPost your generic questions about the Dynamo plugins under this category. For each specific plugin select the subcategory for the plugin. For instance questions related to the honeybee plugin for Dynamo should be created under #dynamo:honeybee category.
shareUse this category to share your work related to Ladybug Tools with the community. It can be your project, case studies and related publications! For publications use #share:publications subcategory, everything else can be shared under the #share category itself.
featureThis category is for posting new ideas for Ladybug Tools software features and voting on them. Only citizens of the Ladybug Tools community, who help financially support Ladybug Tools at the level of “Citizen” on our Patreon page can cast votes or propose new ideas in this section.
old forumThis category includes the topics which are originally created in our old Grasshopper forum and are moved to discourse automatically.
blenderA category to ask all your questions related to Ladybug Tools plugins in Blender. You can download the plugins from BlenderBIM page under the addons section.