Annual simulation with CIE sky

Hello All,

I am running some simulations to study the sun rays concentration effect of a concave roof on surrounding facades and buildings. I am performing the analysis both from a ‘qualitative’ point of view using ray tracing and from a quantitative point of view calculating the radiation with HB.

In order to be conservative, I would like to run an annual simulation with HB having a sky that is always sunny in place of using the climate based sky. Could someone please let me know if there is a way of achieving this? I imagine it is possible but I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

Thanks a lot,


Have you checked this discussion?

Hello Abraham,

Thank you for your reply! I don’t have installed HB+, I guess I need to do that in order to get the script to work?

A rather banal question, can I have LB and HB installed together with HB+ and use them at the same time without issues in terms of conflicts between the different versions?




If you don’t have HB+, you can generate clear sky with LB. Please have a look to this. Here is the example file. Thanks,

@MohammedAlshayeb’s comment is also good.
In any case, no problem installing both versions. Each will be allocated on it’s own tab.
The only thing is that you can’t combine together components from one with the other. Though they can coexist in the same file.

Hello @MohammedAlshayeb and @AbrahamYezioro,

Thank you again for your input. Great to know how to do it in Ladybug; in this case I think I cannot use that example as I need to model the material properties to evaluate the effect of reflected sun rays for which I need HB.

However, I think I can use the HB+ in the discussion you mention as soon as I have it installed!