cumulativeSkyMtx error


I am having a few issues with the new userobject file from the GitHub. See images below.

old version of gencumskyMtx

new version of GencumskyMtx

There are two issues:

1: The cumulative sky dome viewer returns the error “sky type not found”. It just recently changed to give me a runtime error, index out of range 144.

2: The selectSkyMtx object now returns all text, where before it returned text and number values. I can get around this issue using your ladybug split text/numbers module, but I thought it may lead to where the issue is.

Any idea what is causing this?

2015.01.25 test (84.5 KB)

Leland: You need to update some of the components in your file. Get the most updated from the github. After that it should work. It does on my system.


Abraham is right. Attached is the updated file. I also added the version check so it gives you a warning in case you are using it with the wrong version.

Here is the file! (354 KB)

I’m all set. Thanks for the help!

Very interesting Thank you!

One question, about a simpler topic: I see on the first attached image by mr Leland Curtis that the sunpath is overlapped to the sky dome. How can i do it?

Thank you.


Ok, i found the solution by myself. Sorry for the silly question.

But i have another question, about this topic.

I am using the version 0.0.63 August 2016 of LB. It seems that the components are not updated. I have the same error as the first post.
Should i change the scripts? Where can i find the correct components to have an uniform diffuse radiation dome?

Thank you.
