Hello, thank you for your answer @chris
You said that the outdoor flow rate is sum of flow/floor + flow/person and is constant if i do not change “demand controlled” to true. As flow/floor is pretty straightforward to me, It is unclear to me how flow/person is treated on default settings (false). Will it take maximum number of people/m2 set in a zone and treat it as constant despite occupancy schedule? As if occupancy was set to “1” at all times for ventilation?
As for your last paragraph - I just started another discussion yesterday here about ventilation demand in office spaces that is presented in ASHRAE vs European standards. It struck me that for a office 100m2 space the demand is almost 2x higher in Europe (and that is on the lower side of spectrum, engineers usually design systems for 50m3/h per peron - around 0.139 m3/s)
Making an initial, sizing model, as I have to follow european guidelines, I was wondering if I do not artificially cool/heat the space in periods where i want to do opposite and in which I would condition the space with ventilation air (so in winter I would actually supply warm air, while in Ideal airloads the air supplied would be cool).
Doesn’t this artificially cause higher cooling/heating loads (and peak loads) than it would be in reality? Wouldn’t this cause systems oversizing?
Thank you for your time and help,
Have a nice day