Thanks for your reply @chris. I already found the method in the reponse of mikkel, but i also have some problem in how to accurately control the perforated sheet. The responce for mikkel can be seen in How to create a metal perforated radiance material with LBT - #26 by chkuen_1063175952.
This method to construct the perforated is interesting! It can be seen that the component is working. But I have some confusion in control the number of perforation because of the parameter in the component. I can undestand the size is to control the the number of perforation of column and row, but it is may be lost my control. I want to control the number of perforation by two parameters including the number of column and the number of row. Such as these potho displaying,
column 20, row 1 radius 0.94
column 30, row 6 radius 0.31
column 60, row 4 radius 0.34
I try to modify the “” to achieve the requires. But it’s diffucult for me to read the code. So, I wish you can give me some advice to me in modifing the code.
Best grateful for you!
Thanks for you again!