HB False color very slow

Dear HB developers

I have noticed that HB false color runtime has substantially increased compared to the legacy version, to the extent that it almost equals that of the simulator which does the raytracing. I wonder if I am doing something wrong or if something has been implemented inefficiently in the code.

Thank you.

All the best,

Hi @farhang.tahmasebi ,

The LBT plugin uses the Falsecolor executable that ships with Radiance instead of the Falsecolor2 utility that had to be downloaded and installed separately. So it’s possible that this difference of falsecolors has something to do with it. But that’s a really significant runtime there and it’s not really aligned with what I get om my laptop:

However, on my more powerful desktop, I know that the faslsecolor component runs in under 4 seconds for that image. So maybe this just has to do with how well our different machines can handle the pearl code of the falsecolor executable.

I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. What type of CPU do you have and what operating system are you using? Maybe this is the type of thing that should be asked on the Radiance Forum.

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