I expect a lot of people having this question in the future as well, so I will add to what @TheodorosGalanos mentioned here.
Theodoros says this because he knows a better way.
How does one take advantage of wind direction and wind velocities provided in a standard EPW file for all hours of the year? The one word answers is by the use of Wind Factors. Following is how this is done;
CFD simulation is done for minimum 2 opposite directions and maximum 36 directions.
In the step above, yearly average wind velocities from particular directions are used. These we get from Ladybug_WindRose component.
Based on all these CFD simulations, wind factors are calculated on the test points you are interested in.
The idea of a wind factor is similar to Daylight factor. The wind factor at a particular point tells us the percentage of wind velocity the point will experience for the wind coming to the point from a particular direction. The number of wind factor that every test point will have will be similar to the number of CFD simulations (for the number of directions) you conduct. For instance, for a particular point, wind factor from north can be 0.87 and east can be 0.45. This obviously depends on the context and other co-efficients. -
Once you have a list of wind factors for all test points. You can use the EPW weather data to generate the wind velocity the point will experience any hour of the year. Following is how it is done; let’s assume that we did 36 CFD simulations and therefore, we have 36 wind factors for each test points. Now we start running through the wind directions for each hour of the year from EPW data. Say for the first hour, wind is coming from 8 degrees clockwise from North, and the wind veclocity if 4m/s. We will use, the wind factor for our first CFD run which will be at 7.5 degrees clockwise from north. Let’s assume that based on the context, the wind factor is 0.5 then the wind velocity experienced at the test point for the first hour of the year will be 4 * 0.5 = 2 m/s. In this manner, we will run through all the hours of the year and will use wind factor for the direction near to the wind direction at that hour.
By following the above mentioned steps, you can have 8760 velocity values for each test point, thereby giving you an annual picture of the wind you are likely to experience at the area of interest.