How to set 4 different windows construction for 4 orientions?

Hi guys. I am doing parametric energy simulation for research study. According to energy standard in China, the energy modeling need set 4 different windows construction for 4 orientions.
I can set different window ration for north\east\south\west wall. How to set 4 different windows construction for 4 orientions using Ladybug 1.5.0 version?
In legacy version, I can set windows construction list for 4 orientions.

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The HB_FacadeParameters is your friend here.

Hi @AbrahamYezioro .Thanks for your answer.

HB_FacadeParameters can set the ratio of 4 oriention. Is this componet can set 4 different facade construction?

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This component should help:

Thanks @RyanS HB Apply_window_construction worked fine for my model.


You can still use the HB_FacadeParameters, like so:



I get it. Thanks for your detailed answer.It help me a lot.

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