Import JSON ConstrucitonSets?

Hey @Romain ,

As Asis says, you can drop these JSON files with constructions into the C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ladybug_tools\resources\standards\honeybee_standards\constructions folder and, when you restart, Rhino/Grasshopper, they will load up into your standards library. However, one of your Constructions revealed a bug in the code for WindowConstructionShade JSONs. If you delete the "fenetre_avec_BSO_alu" construction from your file, which seems to be the only WindowConstructionShade, everything else loads up fine.

So this is one way to get it to work.

Alternatively, I just pushed a fix to the code base for WindowConstructionShade JSONs:

So, if you use the “LB Versioner” in another hour or two, you will be able to get the development version of Ladybug Tools that can load in your JSON without issues.

I wasn’t patient enough to close Rhino and restart! Thanks for that @Asisnath and @chris

Hey @chris ! and everyone in this forum! I know it’s been long since someone post anything, but I’d like to ask for some help. I’ve followed all suggestions given in this forum but still can’t solve my issue, which is similar to that of @Romain .

I made some new Opaque constructions and used the HB Dump Objects to save them as a JSON file. However, when I search in the HB Search Constructions component for the newly created constructions that I have dumped in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ladybug_tools\resources\standards\honeybee_standards\constructions folder and C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ladybug_tools\resources\standards\honeybee_standards\constructionsets folder, they don’t appear as part of my standards library. I have also followed the suggestion of restarting Rhino/Grasshopper but doesn’t work either. Can you give me a hand on indentifying the issue?

I am running Grasshopper 1.5 version. Grasshopper file is attached. Thank you in advance. (142.5 KB)

Hey @jgamero ,

Sorry for the confusion. The location of the user standards folder has changed between LBT 1.4 and 1.5. The user standards now live in:


So just dump your construction JSONs in there and they should be loaded when you start Rhino/Grasshopper.

FYI, we moved the user resources here so that your custom schedules and constructions are not uninstalled whenever you uninstall or update Ladybug Tools. So you can just put them there once and not have to worry about them going missing if you uninstall ad reinstall.


Thank you @chris! Now it works when I use that location you indicate!

Sory crish, Sorry Crish, I’ve been practicing it but it doesn’t have any effect on my components. i use LBT 1.8

Hi @adenurmap ,

You’re almost there. You just need to write materials like that into the constructions sub-folder of your standards folder. Once you do that and restart Rhino/Grasshopper, you should see them show up with the “HB Search Constructions” component.

thank u cris this is work :smiley:

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