Possible reasons for not working parallel computing

That seems to be an MPI error. I don’t know how to fix it other than trying to reinstall MSMPI or blueCFD. If you have another version left, you may have a problem.


Thanks a lot for your answer, actually, I’ve already reinstalled MSMPI et blueCFD, here is the version that I got, do I still need to reinstall it ? it seems to be good version for me.

blueCFD :


Thanks again for all your reply, I really appreciate it !


That version seems to be fine.
However, I am using MS-MPI 7.1, so why not try that?
I’m afraid I can’t think of a better way.


Thanks again for your reply. I change my mpi version to mpi 7.1, and I retry the outdoor_airflow exemple, I use decompose_par_dict for snappyhexmesh, but it still don’t work. Here is the error :

And when I check my reconstrcutPar in log file, the same problem existe :

It is not a problem that the “reconstructParMesh.err” is not created.

The reconstructPar is done after the solver is executed, but the reconstructParMesh is done after the mesh is created. Please check reconstructParMesh.log instead of reconstructPar.log.

Is the mesh not created when you check in Paraview?

Hi !

Finally it works ! I change ma MSMPI version to 7.1, it didn’t work just after that as I show you on the preview reply, and after 2 days when I restard butterfly it works well.

I really appreciate your help, Thanks a lot ! I was stuck with this problem from 1 month, and finally we solve it !

So just for all the others who has also a problem with parallel calcul, use MSMPI 7.1 but not 8.1, it maight generate the calcul.

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I’m sorry, but I have another question about mpi.

I try to launch the parallel computing on another computer, which was much efficient than the previews one (50 CPU). But, I am not the only one who use this machine, there are also other calculation which need different MPI. So I can’t have just one version mpi (msmpi v7.1) on this machine.

Do you know how to define the mpi for calculation in butterfly ? When I try to luanch the parallel calculation on this machine, it did not work.

Thanks a lot !

In blueCFD, setvars.bat sets an environment variable that specifies the MPI version. Still it is not working, so it may be difficult to have multiple versions coexist.


Thanks for your reply, could you help me to check this mpi path ? Isn’t it correct ?
I have 2 mpi on this machine : intel mpi and msmpi v7.1. If not, what do I need to change ?

If it is correct but the parallel calculation still doesn’t work, is it a problem about openFoam or about butterfly ?

I think your setting is correct. Perhaps the coexistence of IntelMPI and MSMPI is causing the error.

Hello kinonotofu,

If I create a vitual machine on that machine (with 2 mpi) and build a new window 10 system with only msmpi 7.1, should it works ?

Thanks a lot !

I have never run butterfly in a virtual machine. I would appreciate it if you could share information on what the results were.