Sky View analysis - 1. Solution exception:Attempted to divide by zero

Hey @PaulWintour ,

The best way to remove old components in Legacy is just by running the “Ladybug_Update File” component. That should upgrade any of the old components on a canvas. I think that we eventually got the Update File component to update things inside of clusters (since we got the LBT equivalent component to do so). But I am admittedly not 100% sure.

No worries about missing the announcement. You can catch up here:

To clarify, the Ladybug[+] package eventually metamorphosed into LBT Ladybug. But it has undergone a lot of revision since the last time that you used it. If you are talking specifically about this issue here, I think that any sun position discrepancy at this point is entirely the result of the minuscule differences in sun positions from year to year. Ladybug uses 2017 to generate its sun positions so, if you are going to do a comparison with any other software, make sure that you match the years.