The Adiabatic Boundary Condition

Hi all,
I am trying to create a model with LBT SDK that has several walls with the “adiabatic” boundary condition. In “honeybee-schema” documentation I see that there are four types of boundary conditions that should be supported: Outdoors, Surface, Ground and Adiabatic. However in “honeybee.boundarycondition” I see only three classes for boundary conditions, which are: Outdoors, Surface and Ground.

Do I understand correctly, that adiabatic wall could be created by setting “surface” boundary condition, referencing to itself as to adjacent object or is there a better way?

Thank you!

Hello again!
Found the “adiabatic” boundary condition in honeybee_energy package.
I believe there is a good reason for that, but should say it is a bit confusing that “Adiabatic boundary” condition is completely separated from the rest with no reference or explanation in documentation.

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Hi @ArtMouser ,
I suppose @chris will answer more accurately. My educated guess is that the adiabatic boundary occurs, or could be applied, only to energy simulation, while the others can fit also the Radiance module.
Glad you found the solution.

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That’s the right answer, @AbrahamYezioro .

Certain boundary conditions only have meaning for energy simulation and so they are added to the core honeybee.boundarycondition module whenever you have the honeybee-energy extension installed. So, as long as you have honeybee-energy installed, you can still do the following:

from honeybee.boundarycondition import Adiabatic

Or you could do:

from honeybee.boundarycondition import boundary_conditions as bcs

reusable_adiabatic_instance = bcs.adiabatic

Right now, the Adiabatic boundary condition is the only one that is added by honeybee-energy but, in the future, honeybee-energy will add more boundary conditions like Other Side Coefficients and certain types of Ground boundary conditions. Particularly for these future-planned boundary conditions, they really only have meaning for energy simulation (they are not applicable to Radiance simulation, for example) and so it does not make sense for them to live in the honeybee-core library.

FYI, you should never set a Surface boundary condition to reference itself since this is illegal in the Honeybee Model schema and will yield errors if you go to validate a Model with these conditions in them.