Vertical Sky Component - Great Job

Mostapha I finally did some comparison, and I think that the VSC calculated with radiance does not do the job as its best, you can check results in the .zip attached.

It would be great to have a tool similar to shadow mask or sunlight hours.

I am planning to use it to calculate Sky component and create a safe envelope for Right of light, which is one of the crucial planning issue here in the UK.

Here you can find some examples of what I am talking about.

I am happy to help in any way


VSC (509 KB)

Hi Mostapha, did you have a look at the comparison I did? Let me know if I can help somehow in developing this

Finally checking it now. I will update this thread soon.

Hi Amedeo, I checked your file and the results are in a very good agreement. Except one test point where Ecotect results seems to be off the difference is less than %1 which is negligible.

Mostapha I lost this reply ! sorry if I remeber correctly I was on leave! best